Wednesday, 5 September 2007 - 3:00 PM

No Smoking Day Whangarei: Achieving community-wide smoking cessation

Grant Hocking, ASH - New Zealand, Level 2, 27 Gillies Ave,, Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand

Background: Smoking rates amongst parents in Whangarei, New Zealand (population approx. 68,000), remain unacceptably high. The ASH Year 10 Smoking Survey 2003 indicated that 29% of parents in Northland were continuing to smoke inside. ASH NZ, in collaboration with various regional and national health providers, thought it was appropriate for parents and other adults who smoke to quit as a community- altogether on one day. Successful in the UK, No Smoking Day Whangarei trialed a modified version, tailored for this community.

Strategy: No Smoking Day Whangarei in 2005 and 2006 facilitated and supported cessation activities amongst the predominantly Maori and European population across the city. NSD Whangarei promoted cessation at a community level using local media and promotional campaigns to raise awareness about the day and the quit support services available. Mainstream and Aukati Kai Paipa Maori smoking cessation services provided face-to-face cessation counselling throughout the day. The national Quitline provides phone-based cessation counselling. Comprehensive evaluation of participating stakeholders, community participants and processes were undertaken.

Conclusion: Over 500 people attended cessation focused events at each of the two No Smoking Days. A three-month follow up found NSD achieved an 11% quit rate amongst participants, with a significant reduction in smoking rates.