Strategy: Our strategies include: 1) building on the strengths and resources within the community, 2) engaging a wide range of community stakeholders, 3) developing culturally appropriate processes and products, 4) promoting co-learning and knowledge transfer, and 5) providing tangible benefits to the community (facilitating cessation through assessment, intervention, and resources). Evaluation findings indicate: • A tobacco cessation protocol collaboratively developed and adopted by all 5 NHHCS • 5,000 Tobacco Quit Kits assembled and disseminated • 7 brief and intensive intervention trainings conducted • 89 NHHCS staff (90% Hawaiian) increased tobacco cessation skills set • 1,265 smokers received tobacco cessation services (Jan-Aug 2006)
Conclusion: This is the first tobacco cessation intervention for Hawaiians by Hawaiians, and the first tobacco cessation systems-wide change in Hawai`i. The process of this collaborative initiative has validated the importance of incorporating a participatory model to build capacity; developing culturally tailored resources; involving former (Hawaiian) smokers in the promotion of tobacco cessation; and building capacity to address high smoking rates that fosters support and measurable outcomes.