Thursday, 6 September 2007

Designing and Implementing Tobacco Cessation Interventions for Public Dental Clinic Settings

Teri Lucas, Quit SA, 202 Greenhill Rd, Eastwoood, Australia and Jane Heron-Kirkmoe, Health Promotion Unit, SA Dental Service, 180 Flinders St, Adelaide, Australia.

Background: The damage caused to oral and general health by tobacco use is well documented. Smoking cessation is a strategic goal for SA Dental Service, (SADS). In 2006 a project commenced to embed tobacco cessation strategies into standard practices in public adult dental clinics across South Australia. The aim of the project is to improve the overall health and well-being of clinic clients.

Strategy: In collaboration with Quit SA, education units were designed and delivered to clinic staff, skilling dental health professionals in cessation strategies. An electronic recording tool was designed to record smoker / intervention rates. Post-training at all dental clinics, printed cessation resources and referral to the South Australian Quitline 12-Week Support Program are now offered to clinic staff to assist all clients who smoke.

Conclusion: Health Professionals have an important role in supporting clients with lifestyle change. The dental team are in a unique and strong position to help many smokers to stop. Clinic clients who present as smokers frequently accept the cessation services offered to them. The program builds knowledge, skills and confidence of SA Dental Service staff to provide brief intervention on smoking cessation and to refer clients to professional cessation services for more intensive assistance. The Quitline provides professional support and resources. The outcome for clients of SA Dental Services is improved oral and general health.