Friday, 7 September 2007 - 9:45 AM

Science of Nicotine Addiction and Pharmacotherapies

Hayden McRobbie, Clinical Trials Research Unit, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019 Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

This workshop will provide a ‘beginners guide' to nicotine addiction, nicotine withdrawal syndrome and the mode of action of medicines that are effective in aiding smoking cessation.

Attendees will gain a basic understanding of how people become dependent upon tobacco and why it is difficult for many people to stop smoking. The workshop will focus on nicotine dependence, but will also cover the non-nicotine factors that may be important. At the conclusion of the workshop attendees will be able to describe the four main pharmacotherapies used for smoking cessation (nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion, nortriptyline and varenicline) and how to use these in clinical practice.